To learn more about the New Canaan Urgent Assessment Program, visit its webpage.

Assessment, Management, and Treatment of Individuals at Risk for Suicide

With suicide among the top ten causes of death in the United States, the ability to effectively treat clients at risk for suicide is a critical skill for mental health professionals. Facing such situations can be a source of extraordinary stress.

This workshop is targeted to help mental health professionals assess and manage suicide risk and provide treatment to individuals at risk for suicide. Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to develop and implement treatment plans for patients at risk for suicide and effectively respond to ongoing suicidal behavior during treatment. Special attention will also be given to postvention procedures in the event of a patient suicide.

This workshop is intended for mental health professionals. Requirements for this workshop include the education or licensure requirements necessary to be a practicing mental health professional, or a student in a mental health profession.

Methods of instruction include lecture, clinical case illustrations, demonstration of strategies, discussion, and participant practice.

Primary Objective:
As a result of this training participants will be able to treat persons at risk for suicide.

Learning Objectives

1. Identify the long-term and acute risk factors for suicide.
2. Talk with individuals in a manner that facilitates assessment of suicide risk.
3. Provide assistance to persons at risk for suicide.
4. Describe the role of different professionals regarding suicide risk management.
5. Describe the general guidelines for risk management.
6. Implement specific protocols for intervention in suicide crisis situations.
7. Develop treatment plans for persons at risk for suicide.