Page 14 - Silver Linings Issue1
P. 14

   Special Report
 Marijuana and psychosis:
One family’s
From capable to catatonic in a year
Carl just wanted his son back.
Jake had become “like a walking zombie who was incoherent and catatonic,” Carl said of his
son. Jake had been admitted and released by several state mental health facilities after suffering
what Carl believes is cannabis-induced psychosis.
“We saw six in-network psychiatrists and they basically told us there is nothing we can do about
your son’s dilemma,” Carl said. “They said we should put him in a housing facility.”
Frustration grew and hope dwindled, but he wouldn’t give up on his son.
Silver Hill Hospital was his last chance.
“All these roads I’ve traveled, and doctors I’ve seen, and it came down to this,” Carl said. “This is my last shot.”
Carl compared his situation to the classic Princess Leia plea in the first Star Wars movie: “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.”
“I came to Silver Hill and met Rocky (Dr. Rocco Marotta),” Carl said. “He was my only hope.”
‘Basically an easy-going kid’
Jake got decent grades in high school, enjoyed family time with his parents and two younger siblings, shredded down mountains on his snowboard, worked at fast-food restaurants

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