Page 13 - Silver Linings Issue1
P. 13

 “People have misperceptions about mental illness. Nobody thought she understood, but she knew everything.
“It’s not like One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest; and yes, I’ve been called Nurse Ratched, for sure. None of the movies portray us in a good way, I really do believe that. People don’t think of psychiatry as taking place in a beautiful place like this (Silver Hill).”
What advice do you have for nurses considering a career in psychiatric care?
“Do it. If that’s your passion, do it. I have not one regret. This is what I was meant to do.”
You have moved along the ranks to Nurse Educator. Do you miss being a floor nurse?
“I miss the patient contact. I really do. I have people who still write me letters just to say thank you.”
There must be some tough days, too, right?
“My first white alert (psychiatric emergency) was awful. Awful. I remember it vividly because it was so traumatic. I think we all get nervous our first time. Now it takes a lot more to scare me after being a supervisor. My skills at talking
Mary Ellen Campbell (standing) talks with Nurse Office Manager Kathleen Mangieri at Silver Hill.
“Nobody but other nurses know how many names I’ve been called
and how many times I’ve been threatened. Incredible people work here. Just incredible people. I can’t even tell you.”
 patients down have gotten pretty good.”
What is the best thing about Silver Hill?
“The best thing here is the team. I have made the most incredible friends here.
“We’ve done
life and death together. Nobody understands what we do.
  Chief Quality Officer Lisa Benton, former COO Elizabeth Moore and Mary Ellen Campbell stand together at a Silver Hill event.
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