Page 21 - Silver Linings Issue1
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                                     to help participants manage impulses and cravings and to live a sober life.
Silver Hill Hospital also remains a community leader in offering 12-Step programs. SMART serves as either a complement or alternative to 12-Step.
SMART is similar to 12-Step programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, with a few key differences.
SMART does not have a spiritual component, which is a keystone of 12-Step programs. Rather, SMART focuses on relationships with oneself and other people.
“It’s been very well received, especially from people who just don’t connect with AA. They are thrilled we are offering this,” Michael Groat, Chief Clinical Officer at Silver Hill, says. “We want our brand and identity to be that of a premium model and to do that we need to be flexible. One size does not fit all.”
SMART is currently available only to inpatient and transitional living patients at Silver Hill. We are currently training more staff members to facilitate SMART sessions and hope to establish meetings for the community, including SMART Family and Friends meetings.
Dr. Michael Groat Chief Clinical Officer
Adding the SMART program is another way your support helps Silver Hill expand its addiction treatment options to assist the greatest number of patients.
4-Point Program
            Building and maintaining the motivation to change
Coping with urges to use
Managing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in an effective way without addictive behaviors
Living a balanced, positive, and healthy life

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