79th Anniversary of Alcoholics Anonymous
History of Alcoholics Anonymous
An estimated 17 million Americans have an alcohol use disorder. For those who seek treatment, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is often part of their recovery.
On June 10, 2014, AA will celebrate its 79th anniversary. Founded in 1935 in Akron, Ohio by New York stockbroker, Bill W and Akron Surgeon, Dr. Bob S, both of whom were alcoholics, AA has helped countless people maintain sobriety over the past 79 years. AA groups and members quickly popped up all around the world. Within 20 years there were 130,000 members and approximately 6,000 groups on five continents. Today there are more than two million members and over 115,000 groups around the world.
In1939 Bill W produced the first edition of Alcoholics Anonymous (known as The Big Book), a book that describes how to recover from alcoholism and in 1953 he published the first edition of Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, which outlines AA’s basic principles. Both books have sold millions of copies and The Big Book has been recognized as one of the most influential books in America.
Silver Hill Hospital and “The First Lady of Alcoholics Anonymous”
Silver Hill has a special connection to AA Marty Mann, the first woman to recover from alcoholism in AA, joined the board of directors in 1969, 30 years after attending her first AA meeting in Greenwich, CT. Marty served on the board for 7 years and she also consulted for Silver Hill, providing education for staff, lectures for patients and acting as a liaison between Silver Hill and AA
Marty was very dedicated to the cause. Known as The First Lady of Alcoholics Anonymous, she recognized that alcoholism is a public health issue, not one of morality.
Primary Principles are here:
- Alcoholism was a disease, that the alcoholic was a sick person.
- The alcoholic can be helped and is worth helping.
- Alcoholism is a public health problem and therefore a public responsibility.
If you are concerned about a drinking problem or are interested in finding an AA meeting near you, visit the AA website.
Alcoholics Anonymous
A Biography of Mrs. Marty Mann: The First Lady of Alcoholics Anonymous