Co-Occurring Disorders
Co-Occurring Disorders
Adult and adolescent treatment for substance abuse or a psychiatric disorder can be complicated by the presence of one or more additional conditions – called co-occurring or dual diagnoses disorders. For instance, you may be suffering with an addiction but not realize you also have depression. These dual conditions can mask each other, and may contribute to each other’s severity.
Simultaneous Treatment
As a full-service psychiatric hospital, Silver Hill has the in-house expertise and experience to diagnose and treat your co-occurring disorder, no matter how complex. We treat these multiple conditions simultaneously, because co-occurring disorders feed on and interact with each other. Neither can afford to be ignored in favor of treating the other. Treating two conditions consecutively – as other institutions often do – can result in neither condition being successfully addressed.
Most, if not all, of the conditions treated at Silver Hill can co-occur with other conditions. Our consultative, team approach to treatment means that we can pair the appropriate experts from across specialties with patients with co-occurring disorders. This way you get the best possible coordinated treatment no matter what combination of conditions or stages of illness may be occurring. Silver Hill ranks among the top rated dual diagnosis treatment centers.
To learn more about how primary illnesses may interact with co-occurring disorders, visit What We Treat.
Multiple Diagnoses Video
Dr. Andrew Gerber discusses the treatment of complex cases at Silver Hill.