To learn more about the New Canaan Urgent Assessment Program, visit its webpage.

Personality Disorders

Overview & Clinical Expertise

Personality Disorders – including borderline personality disorder, self harm and the co-occurring disorders that may accompany these conditions – involve your long term difficulty in regulating thoughts, behaviors and emotions generated in response to life events.

Treatment at Silver Hill for borderline personality disorder is focused around Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). It is a practical, skills based therapy that teaches you how to better manage the feelings and actions which have caused stress in your life and relationships.

Our clinicians are are unsurpassed in their training and experience with DBT. That is why Silver Hill ranks among the best inpatient, residential and outpatient private treatment centers for borderline personality disorder.

Residential House

As a patient in the Residential Program for Personality Disorders, you will be treated at River House.

River House
River House

Treatments & Therapies

When you come to Silver Hill for treatment, you can expect a safe and secure environment that promotes healing and recovery. From Inpatient to Residential to Intensive Outpatient programs, we provide access to the level of care you need, when you need it, all on one campus. This means you can move seamlessly from one level to another depending on your needs at any time, without disruption in treatment or dislocation in care.

The mainstay of our treatment for your personality disorder, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), helps you accept distress in your life by providing tools to make positive behavioral changes and feel at peace with their reality.

Treating The Whole Person Video

Dr. Petra Pilgrim discusses the importance of treating the whole person at Silver Hill.

Co-Occurring Disorders

Patients with Personality Disorders often have more than one diagnosis. These “co-occurring disorders” require a special understanding and corresponding treatment.

Several specific conditions often co-occur with Personality Disorders. Explore more about each of them below:

Patient Outcomes

Silver Hill only employs therapies that are proven to work. Case in point: Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). This foundation of treatment for Silver Hill’s Personality Disorders Program has been shown in numerous randomized controlled trials to be effective at treating adults with Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Substance Abuse and Addiction, and Borderline Personality Disorder.

For more information on DBT effectiveness, visit Behavioral Tech.

Patient Experience

Deciding on treatment can be a big step. Information is key. For more detail on what you and you’re family will experience at each level of care as a patient for a personality disorder at Silver Hill, visit the Patient Experience section for Borderline Personality Disorder.

Let’s get started.

Allow us to help you get better. Contact us today to find out which program might be right for you, or to begin the process of arranging for treatment.

Call us at
1 (866) 542 4455

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