Get to Know Lo, Silver Hill’s Volunteer Coordinator

Welcome Lo Smith, who recently joined the Silver Hill team as our Volunteer Coordinator. Lo succeeds her former roommate, Parker, in the role, bringing a similar energy, spirit, and dedication to the mission of Silver Hill.
Read on and learn more about Lo!
How did you find your way to Silver Hill Hospital?
My roommate, Parker, worked at Silver Hill and loved it for the two years I lived with her. I was coming from the land of retail and looking for a job in the non-profit world — a job with more meaning. When Parker decided to move to Florida, it felt like fate that her job opened up [and my qualifications matched the role!].
Did you come to Silver Hill because of your interest in mental health, or did being at Silver Hill lead you to the field?
I have always had an interest in the field of mental health as some of my close friends have struggled over the years. I feel grateful to be a part of an organization with a mission of changing people’s lives!
What are you responsible for as Volunteer Coordinator?
I am responsible for bringing consistent, fulfilling programming to the patients. I manage all of the current volunteers and am constantly onboarding new ones. It is my job to make sure there are people to run all the volunteer-led groups; from meditation to art, qi gong to writing, knitting to 12-step and many more!
What is your favorite part, so far, of the Volunteer Coordinator role?
So far, my favorite part of the Volunteer Coordinator role is getting to meet and engage with the volunteers. I am so amazed by their devotion to Silver Hill Hospital and our patients!
Please tell us a little about yourself.
I am a very creative and compassionate woman. I have been sober for over 6 years, and feel so lucky to contribute to people’s recovery daily.
How does your sobriety journey impact the work you do with SHH volunteers?
My sobriety journey helps me connect on a deeper level with the 12-Step volunteers specifically, but also with many of the volunteers who are alumni. Service is such an important part of sobriety, and I am so grateful I can help facilitate that fulfillment for so many volunteers.
What else do you enjoy doing?
I enjoy painting, making jewelry, journaling, meditating, and spending time in nature. My family and friends are very important to me as well and I spend time with them as often as I can.