Working Like a Dog … at Silver Hill Hospital

The dog days of summer are long behind us, but the Dog Days of Silver Hill are still going strong. Every day, Silver Hill welcomes one of our six resident pet therapy dogs to campus, where each has their own routine, their own rounds, and brings their own special charm.
The pet therapy program operates under Volunteer Coordinator, Lo Smith and started unofficially in 2017 with the arrival of Bo Clark to campus. “So many of our residents and our staff have pets at home and are true animal lovers,” says Lo. “In addition to the proven therapeutic benefits of dogs, they’re just nice to be around! In a world of complexity, the simple love and kindness of a dog can go a long way.”
Name: Louie
Age: 3
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Handler: Katharine Dougherty [Note: Katharine, a part-time senior researcher on the Silver Hill Neuropsychiatric team, leaves Louie at home when she’s officially on the job. “I originally thought I could do a day’s work and somehow integrate pet therapy as well,” Katharine explains, “but it was a bit like having a toddler at work — which is to say, impossible.”]
Birthplace: England. Louie was intended to be a member of the British Police Force but elected to emigrate to the gentle, green pastures of Connecticut.
Silver Hill Start Year: 2024
Favorite part of the job: Louie loves each and every moment of his time with patients. He was recently encouraged to join two residents on a couch at K-House. The residential counselor massaged his head while the residents focused on his back and neck. This was memorable! At Main 2, a new patient lay with him on the floor and gave him a belly rub, and one of his besties at Barrett hugged him hard, asking if he might just stay with her permanently!
Favorite Treat: Bananas.
Favorite thing to do when not working: Frisbee!
Name: Bo
Age: 8-1/2
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Handler: Peter Clark
Birthplace: Yorktown Guiding Eyes for the Blind Patterson NY
Silver Hill Start Year: 2017
Favorite part of the job: The patients, the staff and the snacks (not necessarily in that order). Bo looks forward to every visit and loves sharing his compassion and understanding with all the patients and staff.
Favorite Treat: Cheese stick
Favorite thing to do when not working: Sleeping, hiking and soaking (not swimming), in the pool.
Name: Biscuit
Age: 6
Breed: Miniature American Shepherd
Handler: Jonathan Flom
Birthplace: Ellsworth, Maine
Silver Hill Start Year: 2019
Favorite part of the job: Seeing people smile. Silver Hill is like a second home for Biscuit. She runs ahead and waits for Jonathan at the door of every unit they visit. She is the type of dog that wants a job, and she seems to have found her calling with pet therapy.
Favorite Treat: Biscuits (of course)
Favorite thing to do when not working: Going to the dog park
Name: Brodie — Semi Retired!
Breed: Collie
Handler: Trish Leavitt
Silver Hill Start Year: 2017; In 2020, Brodie taught Remi — his new sibling — the ropes of being a therapy dog. Brodie comes to Silver Hill just once in a while now, but Remi is a regular.
Favorite thing to do when not working: Hiking with Remi
Name: Remi
Age: 8
Breed: Standard Poodle
Handler: Trish Leavitt
Birthplace: Illinois
Educational Background: Remi has taken every obedience class possible, and many dog sports classes from agility to barn hunt.
Silver Hill Start Year: 2020
Favorite part of the job: Remi’s favorite part of the job is spending time with people and bringing joy. He loves walking around the Silver Hill campus and greeting everyone he meets.
Favorite Treat: Ice Cream – a pup cup!
Favorite thing to do when not working: Remi goes to dog sports camp every year. His preferred activities right now are swimming and any kind of ball game.
Name: Frances
Age: 6
Breed: Goldendoodle
Handler: Frances has a team of eight handlers from St. Mark’s Church in New Canaan. They take turns accompanying her on visits.
Birthplace: Mobile, AL (but she hates the heat and loves the snow, so the relocation has worked well for her!)
Silver Hill Start Year: 2022
Favorite Treat (when off duty): Cheese — anything from Velveeta to Brie
Favorite thing to do when not working: A real lady, Frances gets her hair and nails done on a grooming truck every two weeks. Her best friend is a pug who meets her at St. Mark’s for weekly play dates.