A Sampling of Testimonials
Former patients, friends and family sometimes reach out to tell us how they are doing – months or even years down the road from their time at Silver Hill. Our clinicians and staff are grateful to receive these thoughtful messages, and find insight in the feedback.
Here is a sampling:
“The 30 days I spent under your care has been the most transformative and enlightening experience of my life! Thank you for your compassion and extraordinary care. It will never be forgotten. I am hoping to return in a different role to give back.” – Alan
“Thank you for granting me the scholarship to stay at Silver Hill in the River House Residential Program. I am so grateful every day for the financial support. This is my second week in the DBT program and I am already learning so much. Everything I am learning is going to help me live and view life differently in a positive way. I am so happy and supported here. My house mates, residential counselors and treatment team are a God sent blessing and I couldn’t have dreamed of a better place to recover. I promise to cherish every day in the program and I can’t wait to learn more to apply to my everyday life. Thank you again so much!” – Emma
“You’d barely recognize me. Mentally I’m doing great. You’d be so proud to hear of all the exciting things I have going on and I owe this all to your program. Thinking positive is the only way to get through things and I learned this from your program. I am so proud of how far I’ve come and it all started the day I met you. I hope you know I am eternally grateful. You saved my life!” – Jenna
“We are extraordinarily grateful for the work you and your team have done to help diagnose and treat our daughter’s complex medical and psychological issues. My heart is full seeing her use the skills she has learned at Silver Hill to manage her issues. And even more, I am wowed by how proud she feels of her accomplishments. Thank you for being part of this life changing experience in all of our lives.” – A Grateful Parent
“They say that parents are only as happy as their least happy child. And that was so devastatingly true one night a few years ago when our bright, loving, talented daughter Christine fell so deep into the grip of depression that we felt helpless to restore the light that always shone around her. That’s when a family friend told us it was alright and absolutely necessary to call Silver Hill Hospital.
As I let go of the last digit to place the call, I sighed a breath of relief and a tear of happiness rolled down my cheek—Christine was finally going to get the help she needed. I passed the phone to her and stood by as she softly answered very pointed questions about her thoughts and feelings and then she willingly accepted an invitation to be admitted to the hospital the very next day.
After a week at the Acute Care Unit, Christine’s voice was stronger, but I knew she wasn’t ready to come home–I could see the depression reflecting back from her sapphire blue eyes. She was offered to transfer to River House, the adult DBT or Dialectical Behavior Therapy program. My heart sunk, because our family could not afford to pay for a month’s stay, but we also couldn’t afford not to. I swallowed my pride to ask for help and was overjoyed to hear that we qualified for a scholarship.
For the first time in a long time, we smiled, and so did Christine. She had her work to do and so did we through the DBT family program facilitated by a social worker named Carolyn who said, “Our patients are sensitive, intelligent people.” I held back a tear—Carolyn had never met my daughter—how did she know?
Throughout Christine’s entire stay at River House, she was treated with respect and dignity and so were we, her family. I ask Christine from time to time what she remembers about River House and she says that it was her River House family who gave her the hope and courage to open her heart and let her light shine on again.” – Karen, Christine’s Mom